Workshop "Bio-economy in a net-zero European industry"
Date & Venue: 30/31 May 2022, DBFZ Leipzig
Part 1: An alternative supply chain for carbon-neutral steel production
The workshop has the goal to develop strategies for sustainable supply chains for the steel making sector and related industrial and bio-economy actors and institutions. In a politically and environmentally changing world the industry faces challenges which could be solved by applying new technologies, energy carriers and strategic measures. These new aspects and strategies will be discussed by researchers and stakeholders of different sectors concerned. This will result in further support of a sustainable market transformation.
Registration ended 15 May 2022.

IBCs – Intermediate Bioenergy Carriers:
“It's biomass... but denser and easier to use. IBCs are formed when biomass is processed to energetically denser, storable and transportable intermediary products […].” ( Within the EU Horizon 2020 Project “MUSIC” –Market Uptake Support for Intermediate Bioenergy Carriers, a multinational consortium supports the market uptake of different kinds of IBCs, namely pyrolysis oil, torrefied biomass and microbial oil. Within case studies, feasible supply chains are to be designed in order to develop strategies for feedstock mobilisation.
Case study International:
The International case study focuses on the use of biomass feedstock (e.g. type-B waste wood, RDF – refused-derived fuel and SRF - solid recovered fuel) in a torrefaction plant. The resulting torrefied biomass is then used in blast furnaces in ArcelorMittal’s steel mills across Europe to replace fossil coal inputs (examples in advanced case study: torrefaction in TORERO plantnearby the steel millin Ghent, Belgium).
Case study Sweden/Finland:
The Nordic case study focuses on the use of woody residues for the production of fast pyrolysis bio-oil at various EMPYRO plants in Sweden and Finland. Fast pyrolysis bio-oil is meant to be used in various applications, e.g. transported to the Netherlands and upgraded to a maritime biofuel there, in order to replace fossil fuels in the international maritime sector.
Case study Italy:
The Italian case study focuses on the use of agricultural residues for the production of microbial oil. This type of IBC results after the fermentation of lignocellulosic sugars from pre-treated biomass and could be used as substitute feedstock in ENI biorefineries.
Case study Greece:
The Greek case study focuses on the torrefaction of agricultural residuesto replace fossil fuels in heavy industries, e.g. using torrefied biomass to replace lignite coal in Greek power plants or usage in cement and magnesite industry.
More information on the MUSIC project, especially its case studies and some interesting reports about previous activities, can be found on: