Employee directory

In the employee directory you will find contact information and profile pages for the DBFZ employees. The employees of the cooperation departments with the Helmholz Centre for Environmental Research, BEN and MicAs can be reached via the linked pages.


Research associate

Field of work

Dr. Mirjam Müller studied Energy and Environmental Engineering. She deals with different aspects of emission reduction and process technology in the field of biomass combustion and has worked in several projects on the topic of small-scale biomass combustion systems, recently as project manager. Accordingly she has experience regarding combustion principles, construction of firing systems and also different secondary emission reduction technologies. A special focus is the application and integration of catalysts. Currently, she works in a project on the development of pyrolysis cooking stoves.

Curriculum vitae

2013 - 2020

PhD studies at the Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy of the University of Leipzig in cooperation with the HTWK Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (Faculty of Mechanical and Energy Engineering) and the DBFZ

Topic: Investigations on integration and operation of oxidation catalysts in small-scale biomass combustion systems
Since 2011Research associate in the working group “Small Plant Technology” at DBFZ
2011 - 2013Research associate at the HTWK Leipzig University of Applied Sciences in the junior research group “Resource conservation and maintenance of substances”
2009 - 2010Research associate at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Department Environmental Engineering (Topic: Emission reduction at small-scale biomass combustion systems)
2004 - 2009

Study of Energy and Environmental Engineering at the HTWK Leipzig University of Applied Sciences
Degree Dipl.-Ing. (FH) in the field of environmental technology