Press releases 2024
Transformative Research International: nutrient-rich biochar for better soils and food security in Ethiopia
Soil degradation and low soil fertility in many African countries such as Ethiopia amplified by constant deforestation and overexploitation poses a major challenge to achieving food security. The problems are also exacerbated by climate change. Since 2021, the ‘ETH-Soil’ project, which is being implemented by the DBFZ and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), has been pursuing the goal of sustainably improving the living conditions of smallholder farmers in rural regions with food shortages by introducing new technologies and processes. Stakeholders from all areas of society have already been won over to the approach of using high-quality biochar-based fertilisers made from agricultural residues. read more
DBFZ Annual Conference 2024: What requirements can/must biomass fulfil?
Biomass is a special component of the national energy supply and plays a central role in the growing bioeconomy with increasing demand. At the annual conference of the DBFZ on 11/12 September, around 160 participants from science, industry and politics discussed the topic of ‘Multi-talented biomass: basic raw material, carbon source and energy option’. Read more
Knowledge and technology transfer: DBFZ opens scientific biomass laboratory at the University of Lomé in Togo
As part of the research project ‘Development of research activities and demonstration of technologies for the utilisation of biomass potentials in Togo’ (LabTogo) funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), a complete biomass laboratory was set up at the Togolese University of Lomé and handed over to the university scientists. The project, which is coordinated by the DBFZ, has been carrying out targeted knowledge and technology transfer for the bioenergetic utilisation of organic residues since 2019. The aim is to help combat climate change and significantly reduce deforestation in the target region. read more
Staff change: Dr. René Backes takes over the DBFZ's "Bioenergy Systems" research department from Prof. Dr. Daniela Thrän
Change of personnel at the DBFZ in Leipzig: Prof. Dr. Daniela Thrän, who has been Head of the "Bioenergy Systems" research department and Deputy Scientific Managing Director of the DBFZ for many years, will focus on her activities at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) with effect from 1 April 2024 and hand over the management of the DBFZ "Bioenergy Systems" research department to Dr. René Backes (formerly BASF). Daniela Thrän will continue to work at the DBFZ with reduced hours until the end of 2024. read more
Specialist symposium in Leipzig: around 100 experts discussed the topics of particulate matter, separators and measurement methods
The annual meeting on the topic of particle separators in domestic furnaces and dust measurement methods in small combustion plants took place in cooperation with the Straubing Technology and Support Centre (TFZ) on 7/8 February 2024 as a double event at the DBFZ in Leipzig. At the 15th edition of the event series, around 100 interested parties from science and industry discussed the state of the art, the challenges in terms of operation and, this time, gravimetric measurement methods as well. read more
Potential of waste and residues: DBFZ publishes database on available resources in Germany and the EU
Biogenic waste and residues hold growing potential for a sustainable and bio-based economy. Until now, freely available and systematically processed data was not fully available. In the revised DBFZ resource database, scientists from the DBFZ present comprehensive data on biomass potentials for Germany and the EU. The database provides detailed information on the availability of various biomasses, including biowaste from private households, cereal straw and industrial residues. The web application is available to researchers, political representatives, companies and all interested parties at Read more