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Hydrothermal Processes
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Research data freely accessible in the DataLab
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Soil improvement in Ethiopia through the energetic and material use of agricultural residues
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Bioresources and hydrogen to methane as fuel
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Smart Bioenergy - Innovations for a sustainable future

The DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH (DBFZ) is a federal institution founded in 2008 that conducts applied research into the energetic and integrated material use of biomass. The institution is represented by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. As of 12/2023, the DBFZ has 275 employees covered by collective labour agreements. The DBFZ is headquartered in Leipzig. The Supervisory Board of the DBFZ consists of representatives from five energy-related ministries (BMEL, BMUV, BMWK, BMBF, SMEKUL).

Mission Statement | Scientific assignment

Latest News


From biogenic residues to renewable methane and green hydrogen: DBFZ puts modern pilot plant into operation

The ‘Pilot-SBG’ project, funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV), is focussing on the provision of renewable methane as an energy source for transport sectors that are difficult to electrify. In the presence of around 120 guests from research, politics and industry, the new research plant was officially put into operation in a ceremony on 18 March 2025.

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Transformative Research International

Nutrient-rich biochar for better soils and food security in Ethiopia

Since 2021, the ‘ETH-Soil’ project, which is being implemented by the DBFZ and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), has been pursuing the goal of sustainably improving the living conditions of smallholder farmers in rural regions with food shortages by introducing new technologies and processes.

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DBFZ Annual Conference 2024

What requirements can/must biomass fulfil?

Biomass is a special component of the national energy supply and plays a central role in the growing bioeconomy with increasing demand. At the annual conference of the DBFZ on 11/12 September, around 160 participants from science, industry and politics discussed the topic of ‘Multi-talented biomass: basic raw material, carbon source and energy option’.

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Leipziger Biogas-Fachgespräch "Flexibility - Can you earn money with it?"
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DBFZ Event
16. Fachgespräch "Partikelabscheider in häuslichen Feuerungen"
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DBFZ Event
Leipziger Biokraftstoff-Fachgespräch "20 years to climate neutrality in Germany"
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Workshop "Writing Competitive Proposals for Joint Research Projects in HORIZON EUROPE"
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DBFZ Event
6. Bioraffinerietag
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DBFZ Event
Biogas-Fachgespräch: Substratdesintegrationsverfahren - Aktuelles aus der Forschung
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DBFZ Events

05.02.2025, Nossen

Leipziger Biogas-Fachgespräch "Flexibility - Can you earn money with it?"

The first Expert Talk "Leipziger Biogas-Fachgespräch" in 2025 will take place on February 5, 2025 on the topic of ‘Flexibility - Can you earn money with it?’ at the LfULG in Nossen. The established series of events is aimed at a specialist audience that deals with the various aspects of energy production from biogas. These include, in particular, agricultural companies and co-operatives, as well as employees of local authorities and the food…
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11.02.2025, Straubing

16. Fachgespräch "Partikelabscheider in häuslichen Feuerungen"

Together with the DBFZ, the TFZ is organising the 16th expert discussion ‘Particle separators in domestic furnaces’ on February 12, 2025 in Straubing. At the event, participants will discuss the extent to which small-scale biomass furnaces can be part of the heating supply landscape in the long term through the use of dust separators and how harmful dust emissions can be minimised. Information will also be provided on general conditions, the…
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19.03.2025, DBFZ in Leipzig

Leipziger Biokraftstoff-Fachgespräch "20 years to climate neutrality in Germany"

On March 19, 2025, the DBFZ invites you to this year's biofuel expert discussion ‘20 years to climate neutrality in Germany | Renewable energies in transport - prospects and challenges’. As part of the publication and presentation of the new DBFZ monitoring report ‘Renewable energies in transport’, the future demand for fuels for areas of transport that are difficult to electrify will be compared with the available resources and the associated…
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30.04.2025, DBFZ in Leipzig

Workshop "Writing Competitive Proposals for Joint Research Projects in HORIZON EUROPE"

On 30 April 2025 from 09:30 to 15:00, the DBFZ and ZEUSS invite you to the English-language workshop ‘Writing Competitive Proposals for Joint Research Projects in HORIZON EUROPE’ at the DBFZ in Leipzig. EU funding consultants will provide practical tips on how to submit proposals in Pillar II of HORIZON EUROPE (e.g. Clusters 5 & 6). The workshop is aimed at researchers with initial EU experience and focusses on the application sections…
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16.09.2025, DBFZ in Leipzig

6. Bioraffinerietag

Call for Abstracts until 25.05.2025: On 16th September 2025, the DBFZ invites you to the 6th Biorefinery Day in Leipzig. The event will focus on innovative conversion and separation processes that enable the efficient utilisation of biomass for the production of bio-based products and fuels. The DBFZ will present current research work on biorefinery technologies - but the Biorefinery Day thrives on knowledge transfer and exchange: scientists,…
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05.11.2025, DBFZ in Leipzig

Biogas-Fachgespräch: Substratdesintegrationsverfahren - Aktuelles aus der Forschung

Save-the-date: The DBFZ invites you to the next biogas symposium in Leipzig on 5th November 2025. The focus will be on substrate disintegration - a key process for increasing efficiency in biogas production. You can look forward to insights into current research work, discussions with experts and practical examples from application. Make a note of the date - further information and the invitation to register will follow shortly! The event will be…
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Tropical beach and forest with windmills

Knowledge and Technology Transfer

Despite a rapidly growing rate of photovoltaic and wind turbines within the global total primary energy supply, biomass remains the most important renewable energy source in the world, according to the IEA. However, the potential is limited...

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IEA Bioenergy

DBFZ @ IEA Bioenergy

The IEA Bioenergy is an organisation founded in 1978 by the International Energy Agency with the aim of improving international cooperation and the exchange of information on bioenergy research. The DBFZ is currently represented with several scientists in five tasks.

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Save the date!

Bioenergy Status Conference 2025

On 20/21 November 2025, the Bioenergy Status Conference will bring together researchers from the ‘Energetic use of biogenic residual and waste materials’ funding area with companies and associations for the 12th time in order to network and work together on a sustainable future.

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Funding programm "Biomass Energy Use"
Funding programme

Project ideas wanted

Until 1 September 2022, 2pm new project ideas on the subject of bioenergy can be submitted within the framework of the 7th Energy Research Programme. Please note the new topics such as energetic sewage sludge utilisation, biofuels, biogenic hydrogen production, etc...

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