Status-Quo of organic waste collection, transport and treatment in East Africa and Ethiopia

This publication was elaborated in the context of the pilot project “Guideline for organic waste treatment in East Africa” as part of a call for solutions by the PREVENT Waste Alliance. The aim of the project is to develop a legal, technical and economic guideline for dealing with organic waste as a basic strategy for politics, administration, research and the private sector for East African countries using the example of Ethiopia. The purpose of this publication is to provide a general overview of the current state of organic waste management in East African countries, specifically using Ethiopia as an example, and thus represents the first part of the guideline. In a further step, technical solution will be developed on the basis of the knowledge compiled here and presented in a subsequent report.


Titel:Status-Quo of organic waste collection, transport and treatment in East Africa and Ethiopia
Autoren:Markus Lenhart, Marcel Pohl, Michael Nelles (DBFZ), Jan Sprafke, Carina Zimmermann, Abdallah Nassour (RETech), Ferew Bekele, Silvia Vanzetto (Cifa Onlus)
Herausgeber:DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH
Medium:Broschüre (PDF)
Umfang:94 Seiten
Dateigröße:7,08 MB
Schlagworte:Organic waste, transport, treatment, Biogas, EastAfrica, Ethiopia, DBFZ, Report, Prevent
Zitation:Lenhart, M.; Pohl, M.; Kornatz, P.; Nelles, M.; Sprafke, J.; Zimmermann, C.; Nassour, A.; Bekele, F.; Vanzetto, S. (2022). Status-Quo of organic waste collection, transport and treatment in East Africa and Ethiopia. (DBFZ Report, 45). Leipzig: DBFZ. VII, 94 S. ISBN: 978-3-946629-87-0. DOI: 10.48480/5qsb-t569
ISSN (Online):2197-4632
Preis:free of charge


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